The university may not serve as your personal legal representative or provide you with legal advice. Make sure you understand your rights and established legal principles.
For example
- You may wish to consult an immigration lawyer or have a lawyer represent you.
- You do not have to allow an ICE agent into your home, unless s/he has a warrant signed by a judge.
- If you fear you will be arrested, make sure to tell the officers if you have children.
- Depending on the situation, you may have the right to refuse to speak to immigration officers.
- Consult resources such as:
External Resources
- Immigrant Legal Resources Center
- The Immigration Project – Serving Downstate Illinois with Immigrant Legal Services
- United We Dream
- National Immigrant Justice Center
- My (Un)Documented Life
- The Kennedy Forum Illinois
- Illinois Association for College Admission Counseling
- Choose Your Future
- Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights